When you’re organising an event, it can be a challenge to find the right speakers for the job.

You want a speaker who’s going to help your audience learn something new, and be inspired and motivated. But the speaker needs to be interesting, engaging, and easy to work with.

This is where I come in. I’ve sat in those forums, conferences, and meetings where I’ve been bored to death and left with nothing more than some vague ideas or a sob story that was inspirational, but ultimately not helpful.

As a speaker, my goal is to help your audience learn knew things and develop skills they can put into practice immediately to benefit your business. And my priority is to do that in a way that keeps people interested, and makes the learning memorable! I use my sketchnoting skills, career case studies, and storytelling to make a compelling case for why your audience should think, feel or do something differently.

  • Excellent speaker and superb communicator. Grateful to hear her speak.

    IABC World Conference, Toronto, delegate feedback

  • Mel was very relatable, down to earth which made her easy to listen to.

    IABC World Conference, Toronto, delegate feedback

  • An interesting model for change management and Mel is an excellent speaker

    IABC World Conference, Toronto, delegate feedback

Speaking topics

Change their minds – get to know how people respond to change, and what to do about it

Every organisation goes through change – and these days, it’s bigger and more frequent than ever before! At the heart of change is people, and to reach them and motivate them to change, you first need to understand them. In this session, I will take your audience through two models that help them understand why people behave the way they do, and how they can adapt their communication to help drive change.

Be an EPIC communicator – a simple framework for driving change

Leaders and teams often struggle to keep up, and organisations lack the resources and time to communicate effectively when it comes to projects of any kind, let alone massive, transformational change. But change is the one constant, so if you don’t have the resources on board, it’s time to build the capability! In this session, I will share with your audience my unique EPIC Change Communication framework, providing a simple system and process to help your leaders and project managers communicate change.

Reputation matters – how good crisis communication builds trust

I cut my teeth on crisis communication many years ago as a Media & Public Affairs Officer with Queensland Police Service. Since then, over the course of my 20-plus-year career, I’ve managed crisis communication for a wide array of issues at various organisations and for many consulting clients. The biggest lesson? How you manage your crisis communication can either damage or uphold your business’s reputation. In these sessions, I draw on multiple case studies to show how crisis comms should – and should not – be managed, and share the crisis comms process that will get you started on the right track.

How I work with you

  1. Book in a discovery call – so I can hear about your objectives, and see if I am the right fit for your business and what you want to achieve

  2. Proposal – I’ll then send you through a proposal. If it’s all good, we’ll get cracking!

  3. Speaking outline – I’ll talk you through the outline for the session to make sure it hits the mark

  4. Event – I’ll make sure I show up when you need me to! See my requirements below.

  5. Post-event feedback – we will book in a short meeting to have a chat about any feedback you received, and insights I can share, and next steps.

Make sure you have a quick read through the high-level Ts&Cs here.

Speaker kit

Here’s where you’ll find my bio, headshots, and other info to use for your event materials.

Speaking requirements

For most engagements, these are my typical requirements.

  • Flipcharts – 1-2 flipcharts for a smaller audience. For large audiences in large rooms, I will need to connect my iPad to your projector

  • Audio visual – for projecting PowerPoint slides, and for showing videos (quality sound is necessary)

  • Lapel microphone – as I draw in most of my presentations, I need to keep my hands free!

  • Room requirements – please send me an overview of how the room is set up; a room with space to move and natural light is preferred